Community store

Praveen C
2 min readJan 2, 2021

It’s a concept of online platform for a community to sell things within blocks of each-others to improve

  1. environment by reducing the carbon foot print (auto-mobile, time, repackaging material, reduce the wastage, etc.)
  2. Bring the community together for better, improve and build the community relationships.
  3. Save $$$ (~30%) discounts on non-perishable goods for buyers and easy-to-return model for sellers without too much logistics to worry about.


courtesy: invespcro

In current sales of goods, about 30% are returned (e-commerce and store-bought) causing a massive environmental, economical impact and causes stress.

Returns account for an estimated 4.4% of $14.5 trillion in global retail sales, IHL said. Clothing retailers see an average of 10% of their sales returned, the highest among retail segments. Electronics, books and other hard-goods retailers follow, with an average of 8.8% returns.

Why is this a big problem? Only 48% of what’s returned can be resold at full price, according to a Gartner survey of 300 retailers. Most of those surveyed expect returns will grow as they increase online sales and increasingly offer free returns along with free shipping.


How will “community store” survive:

It can be a non-profit org. for the environment protection, donations welcome by the community, a small fee can be collected from the sales of the items to keep it running.



Praveen C

try to understand world around me with all things data and connect dots.